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  • Time: 11:00 pm
01 Sep 2020

The Nigerian Military School Zaria has produced ex-boys that have excelled in various professions with remarkable career achievements. The primary purpose of this forum is to tap into this wealth of life and career experiences by giving the younger ex-boys a platform to ask career-related questions and to receive relevant answers and advice.

Discussions are to be formal or semi-formal in nature and on topic. Mutual respect and courtesy are required of every participant at all times and the forum is open to all bonafide ex-boys. Ex-boys with an active account on the Ex-boys platform would have received an email with details on how to access the forum. If you haven't received the email, please contact admin.

We hope that ex-boys seeking career guidance would avail themselves of this opportunity and that the veteran professionals would spare the time to respond to questions posted.

The option to send career-related questions to the Forum admin to post on your behalf is also available. Let us all chip in our best as we are the best hope for each other.

Follow this link to join the forum: The Careers Forum

Career-related discussions to help shape our future and careers

Pele Odiase

"Your contact for more information about this event"

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