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  • Time: 01:00 pm
30 Jan 2021

A get-together to take place at Ox-bow Lake with a Boat Cruise and an Offshore Dinner on Saturday, 30 January 2021 from 1300hrs, Strictly for Exboys in line with the Covid-19 Protocols.

Event Update:

The event started at about 1500hrs with an Opening Prayer by Exboy Michael Ombu after which the Chairman invited all Exboys and Guests to a Photoshoot on the Red Carpet. The photoshoot had several sessions such as Exboys of the same company, same set, senior Exboys, Exboys and their families, and all members present. It thereafter continued with a personal Introduction by all Exboys present, stating their names, set, and company, after which the event commenced proper with the opening remarks by the state ad-hoc committee chairman.

The chairman thanked God Almighty for making the get-together possible, through the collaborative effort of all members who made contributions to the get-together. The chairman took time to inform members of the idea behind the association and how it was conceived. He later led all members and guests to the buffet stand for their Meals.

The event continued with a brief history of the prestigious Nigerian Military School, Zaria by Exboy Alvin Forteta, this was considered appropriate as there were guests, who were not Exboys in our midst. A little time for NMS comedy stories as NMS memories were shared by Exboy Tombra Beke Oyinkedi. Thereafter, it was time for the cutting of the cake, which was conducted by the wives of Exboy Lamiede Amangele and Exboy Aseer Kar, followed by a toast by Exboy Alvin Forteta.

The event was wrapped up with a vote of thanks by the vice-chairman Exboy Lamiede Amangele who appreciated God Almighty for making the event possible and also acknowledged every Exboy present and all those who were unavoidably absent for their love and support. He also prayed that the State Chapter will keep having more of this kind of gathering and others. 

The get-together fizzled out as Members took their leave after having their fill.

Oseimiegha Inodu

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