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  • Time: 11:00 pm
31 Jul 2021

We are inviting ex-boys to take part in the NMS Knowledge Base quiz which is a quiz of 10 questions randomly selected from a pool of questions submitted by ex-boys. They are all multiple-choice questions and should only take a couple of minutes to complete

Reasons why you should consider participating include:

  • It is fun, informative, and nostalgic.
  • You learn about the past and present situations in NMS which should guide future decisions especially for ex-boys in offices of influence.
  • By adding questions you share your unique experience and keep the traditions of the past current and relevant.
  • You express camaraderie by joining in a semi-intellectual activity that cuts across sets, ages, and locations.
  • You make your little contribution to fostering unity amongst ex-boys not only by words but also by your actions.
  • Cash prizes to be won!

Checkout out the rules, eligibility criteria, and awards

Strictly restricted to ex-boys only

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