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  • Time: 07:00 am
28 Nov 2020

As a tradition, the Passing Out Parade of our Alma Mata is here again. It's the 62nd edition. Herein are the Events as slated:

  1. The beating of the Retreat: Thursday 25th Nov. 2020
  2. Documentation and Oath Taking: Friday 26th Nov. 2020
  3. EXBA Induction for the New Exboys: Friday 26th Nov. 2020 @ 1600hrs.
  4. POP and ExBA AGM: Saturday 28th Nov. 2020

We are looking forward to having the following members in attendance:

  1. BOT and Exco Members
  2. At least 1 member of each Class/Sets.
  3. The SRC (Sets Representative Council)
  4. All other Exboys 

The EXBA last year commenced the Annual Induction of the new Exboys into the Family Fold. The 2hr event serves as a Pin-Up Service and Career Counseling Avenue. Our successful Exboys across the Services and Professional Careers are invited to conduct and induct the new Exboys, this is slated for 1600hrs on Nov 27th, 2020.

The AGM is the appropriate constitutionally mandated assemblage for Reports, Elections, and Ratification. Exboys are hereby please notified to prepare to attend and be part of this Noble occasion

Please be informed All Covid 19 Protocols shall be fully enforced.

Olufemi Ikuponiyi

"Your contact for more information about this event"

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